to let REMEMBERENCE FLOW in your veins

Join me in this flowy, delightful journey of exploring SOFTENING as a practise. For 24 days we will CULTIVATE a state of FLOW and ACCEPTANCE where you are more attuned to the present moment, more receptive to life’s possibilities and more grounded in a sense of inner peace.  This inner postiour will lead you to a life lived with greater authenticity, freedom, and fulfillment. 

My intention is for REMEMBERENCE to flow in your veins. 

Open up doors, gateways, meridians, SPACE on the inside for you to BREATHE softer and with more ease and CONFIDENCE.  

Softening your brain, your thoughts, your emotions and your spirit.  

Relax and lean in. Together we will build greater trust in the unknown. When we soften rigidity we also open up for more curiosity. 

Who is this journey for?

  • You feel overburdened by stress and mental clutter. 

  • You seek emotional freedom and deeper connections with others. 

  • You want to live in alignment with your spiritual or higher self. 

  • You’re ready to let go of control and embrace the unknown with trust.

What is Softening?

Softening is about letting go of control, opening to new possibilities, and inviting peace into every aspect of your life. Over 24 days, you’ll be guided through daily practices, reflections, and insights designed to help you soften your mind, emotions, and spirit. 

When & How?

Every day from the 1st of December to the 24th of December you will get your little oasis of softening nourishment in your course portal. From 8-15 minutes daily you can drop into this space to create more SPACE inside of yourself.  Easy, pleasurable and supportive. We will also be utilising two different essential oils in this journey. To deepen our experience and soften even more. More on the oils further down.

All of this goodness will allow you to walk a little bit slower, breath a little bit deeper and soften a whole lot more. You will feel how this affects your relationships with yourself, your friends and familiy, how different you view the world around you and it will give you new insights of the vast landscape inside of you. Spark your curiosity and open you up for more MAGIC and TRUST. 

BENEFITS of this Softening Journey:

Mental Flexibility:

Softening and opening lead to greater adaptability. When we let go of the need for control, we're able to shift perspectives and respond to situations more fluidly, which strengthens resilience.

Compassion and Self-Acceptance:

Letting go invites compassion towards both ourselves and others. We accept imperfections more readily, which can reduce feelings of guilt, shame, or judgment, fostering a greater sense of self-worth. 

Alignment with Higher Purpose:

When we stop trying to control every outcome, we open ourselves to guidance from within or from a higher spiritual source, allowing us to align more naturally with our true path or purpose. 

Reduced Fear:

Much control is driven by fear—of uncertainty, failure, or loss. Softening this grip reduces fear and allows us to navigate life with greater ease and acceptance. We open up space for empathy, understanding, and authenticity. 

Trust in Life/Universe:

Letting go of control often entails surrendering to a larger flow, whether that’s framed in terms of the universe, divine will, or the unfolding of life. This deepens trust in the unknown and in forces greater than oneself. 

Peace and Contentment:

Many traditions emphasize the surrender of control as a path to inner peace. By softening our attachment to specific outcomes, we find contentment in the present moment and a deeper connection to life as it is. 

What you will experience

Daily Guidance & Practices: 
Simple, actionable insights and practices each day to support your journey of softening. Starts 1th December, ends 24th December.

Reflection Prompts: 
Thought-provoking questions to deepen your self-awareness and connection. 

Gentle Mindfulness Practices: 
Soft meditations, visualisations and other mindfulness and embodyment practises that foster a sense of openness. 

Aroma Point therapy (APT): 
APT combines the healing potency of essential oils with specific acupoints in order to catalyze shifts in the body, mind and spirit. It is a gentle, safe and exceptionally effective modality that engages the energetic potential in essential oils.

Approximately 83 USD / 76 Euro - depending on the exchange rates. The course is priced in Norwegian Kroners, 888 NOK.

We will be using aroma point therapy with two different essential oils on this journey. You will learn everything you need about both the oils, points and technique in the course – no prior experience is necessary.

The course fee does NOT include these oils. You can use your own oils and just follow the dilution guide inside the course portal. If you need to buy these oils I have some options for you, depending on where you live.

If you live in Norway you can add the two oils to your shopping cart and I will send them to you.  

If you live in the United States I highly recommend Monara Oils where you can buy high quality oils pre diluted – ready to use for aromateraphy. This is my affiliate link to Monara: Buy oils here 

Or find your trusted suplier for high quality, pure essential oils. If you have any questions or need other recommendations you can contact me at: 

If you don’t want to use essential oils, that is also perfectly ok. You will still get a valuable and profound journey through these 24 days of softening.

The oils

  • Bergamot

    Bergamot will help us open perspectives and open up for higher truths to develop. Bergamot allows us to connect with ourselves with greater ease. It is simply the best oil to bring balance to the central nervous system as it connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain and releases holding patterns in body and mind. 

  • Black Spruce

    Black Spruce helps us move from survival fears into faith and trust in something larger as it helps the truth from our depths emerge and emanate. Black spruce allows us to access the wisdom of our life experiences and transform negative experiences into wisdom. It is a magnificent oil to recalibrate, stabilize, rebuild and renourish our roots so we can truly tap into grounded presensing with ourselves and others. 

Join the Journey

Join the Journey

Gift yourself this precious gift and invest in your own wellbeing and energy before Christmas. What better way to cultivate overflow so that you can harvest the magic of the holiday with family and friends? This could also be just the perfect gift for a precious friend. A gift card will be emailed directly with love from you, the giver.


  • Around 10-15 minutes

  • No experience is necessary—this journey is designed for everyone. 

  • Yes! Softening is especially beneficial during times of transition or stress. 

  • The journey starts on the 1st of December and the last day will be the 24th of December.
    You will get an email with more information and link to course portal where all content will be one week before we start.

  • You will have access to the journey/course for at least 6 months. Most likely even longer than that.

  • Yes! That is a brilliant and generous idea! Fill out your friends name and email adress at the check out form and I will personally send out an email with a giftcard with your name on it with all the details about the course and how to participate. Just be aware of that the oils is not included in the course fee so you would have to provide that if you want to gift that as well.

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level”

— Eckart Tolle