Who are you?

Understand how you can be the creator of your own life and align that to your unique souls mission in this lifetime with the courage, joy, vitality and faith to walk your path 

Human design is such a valuable tool to first and foremost UNDERSTAND yourself and your own energy needs. When you understand, you can actually start to take better care of those energy needs. Like - really deep soulful and meaningful self-care. 

Human design serves as a beautiful compass that shows you the path to see and embrace your infinite value and worth. See your gifts and talents, trust your innate intuition and thereby heal your value story. 

We don’t usually know something is a strength unless someone else points it out or it is something we have a real, natural confidence about. Even then, we tend to not acknowledge and appreciate our strengths or know how to work with the energy we have in a practical way. 

Human design can help you reframe your past and craft a new narrative and story that is empowering and something beautiful and meaningful to grow into. So that your life feels full of potential, possibilities, purpose and meaning. 

Human Desing as a tool has the capacity to bring you back to the heart of who you are.  

We are all designed to be uncompromisingly authentic and live out the full expression of who we are, feeling SAFE and grounded. 

We are all designed to enjoy our body that danses with potential and to feel fully alive. 

SO - What is going on in your life?

How can I serve you?

Where do you want to go?

I am a 5/1 projector type in Human Design

Which means that I am here to help you really see your  potential and guide you to use your energy optimally. I give you the information you need, the intuitive guidance and whatever skills I have accumulated in my holy toolbelt to help you take that potential into fulfilled reality. Projectors are called Orchestrator in Quantum Human Design™ where their spiritual Purpose is to anchor the energetic template of what we are here to create, to align the energy of the world and heal the energy of the planet. 

Our quantum Purpose is to hold the energy template of what’s to come and to clear the vibration of the Collective Consciousness. 

And I am SO lit up by all of these “general” type purpose statements!  

I am deeply passionate and fascinated by how we transform, morph, change, evolve, find our path, align and co-create our lives with a deep trust in something bigger than ourselves. IN this very physical, 3D life here on earth. How to be practical, present, authentic and spiritual in all the messiness and chaos of being a human.

If you feel inspired to understand any aspects of yourself more deeply and are ready for change, I highly recomend the 3 session deep dive package where we can explore whatever aspect you want to dive into.  

  • Quantum Human Design™ reading

    You were born with a specific set of gifts, a distinct purpose, and a strategy for living a happy and healthy life. This is all encoded in your specific energetic blueprint called your Human Design Chart.

    When you understand how this energy dynamic works within your personal chart, you can harness the strengths of your unique design. Thereby harnessing and living a life that feels authentically aligned.

    You will get a zoom link for our meeting upon booking and a recording of our session afterwards.

  • Deep Dive Quantum Human Design™, 3 sessions

    Gift yourself these three sessions where we can deep dive into your unique energy blueprint – curated especially for what is going on in your life here and now and what you are seeking to understand.

    After these three sessions you will know how to love yourself, work with fear, use your emotions as a part of your creative power, know more of who you are and how to make desision.

    Each sesson is 75 minutes. We meet on zoom and you get a recording of our sessions.

  • Transfomational coaching

    A transformational integration journey of 10 sessions. The first and last sessions are 90 min sessions while the 8 others are 75 min. sessions. This is for you if you are seeking a transformational journey with more intimate support and guidance. We stay close in the energy field that gets created as you say YES to transformation and me as your guide.

    I will send you a reflective questionnaire before our journey starts and we meet online every fourthnight. Book your discovery call to see if this is the right journey for you.


  • Quantum Human Design™ is often called the “new Astrology,” and the “intersection of science and spirituality.” Your Quantum Human Design chart is formulated by taking your birth date, time, and location – giving you specific information about your life path, your style of working, your relationship blueprint, how you experience energy in the world, and most importantly, how to create a truly meaningful and authentic life. Quantum Human Design™ is a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, the Chinese, I’Ching, The Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra System and Quantum Physics. Your Human Design chart is calculated using your birth date, time and place.

  • Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science. It is a collection of all the potential archetypes located in a single “map.” That map not only tells you where you would feel good and helps you navigate a path to get there, it also gives you a new way of thinking about who you really are. Quantum Human Design™ Specialists are trained to look at your Human Design Chart (your personal “map”) as a story. Over the course of your life you’ve been told a story of who you are. Maybe that story led down a career path that isn’t really making your soul soar. Maybe your story has you living out patterns that keep you from believing you can’t have what you really want in your life. Maybe the story you’ve been trying to keep up with all your life isn’t even really your story.

    Words are super powerful and create our reality. It is essential that we have awareness and take charge of the story we are telling ourselves.

  • Quantum Human Design™ will give you the words – the story – of Who You Truly Are. If you’re going to create an authentic life – a life that is yours – you’ve got to start with knowing Who You Are and what you need to do to get started living the story you were born to live. During a Quantum Human Design™ session, you will learn about each level of Human Design, from the most basic elements of the chart to the deeper, more nuanced insights Human Design offers, all in an approachable and practical way.

    Your personal Quantum Human Design Chart can reveal your strengths, your weaknesses, and perhaps most importantly, your potential. Prepare you for repetitive difficulties that you might encounter throughout your life, and embrace the opportunity to grow as you understand your personal Human Design strategy. You’ll discover your path to living an aligned, authentic, vital and truly meaningful life simply by following the directions set out in your Human Design chart – the “owner’s manual” to your life.

  • Imagine for a moment that every human being on the planet represents a colorful thread that, when woven together, makes a beautiful tapestry. The tapestry is only as beautiful as the sum total of all the threads. If a thread is out of place, missing or pulled, it affects the entire face of the tapestry. You play an important part in this world. You are so important that we would not be who we are right now without you. At this crucial junction in time, the world needs you to take your right place—the place you intended for yourself to take before you even incarnated.

Keep taking time for yourself until you’re you again.

— Lalah Delia