Pearl Polisher Journey


You are a unique, brilliant, one-of-a-kind human BEing with innate gifts and potentials that LONG to come out to express and shine brightly in the world. Your soul craves fulfillment and is maybe starting to get a bit impatient with your feeling of stuckness and lack of flow in your inspired actions. She is screaming louder and you are ready to listen deeply.  

You are ready and you are sincerely and seriously interested in becoming more of who you are. 




YOUR ESSENCE, your soul is something that arises from within YOU. It is there, it has always been and will always be. How liberated we are to embrace and express this innermost truth and authentic self however, is a path of personal growth and transformation. 

Our soul, true essence, can powerfully guide our human vehicle to a feeling of success, satisfaction, JOY and overflowing abundance. The only thing we must do is to be able to listen, hear the loving guidance, TRUST ourself and cultivate the right energy and courage to take action.  

Your Human design CHART is a road map. It is an energetic BLUEPRINT that can HELP you to FIND and FOLLOW your own inner compass and guiding system. Your chart will help you vocalise, recognize and make conscious your soul’s calling and your intuition. It guides your knowing of what is true for you in every moment and every decision. It is a journey of remembrance to dive deeply into your Human design. And it is meant to be an uplifting, exciting and empowering journey. 

The point with Human Design, as I have embraced it as a sacred, beautiful tool for self-exploration, is for you to get SO familiar with this inner compass – YOUR instincts, your intuition, HOW you feel when something is ALIGNED or misaligned with your ESSENCE, your soul path, your delight, your mission, and POTENTIAL - that you no longer need a map.  

Most of us have gone so astray from our original energetic blueprint and soul path that we no longer FEEL or TRUST our inner compass and intuition. We don’t know what it feels like to have crystal clear discernment! We doubt ourselves in the overwhelming world of choices.

Human Design is a GENIUS tool to help us get back on track!

My mission is to EMPOWER you.

I am here to guide you to FEEL and LIVE true to your energy, potentials, desires and longings.

Let’s put all these energetics to WORK in YOUR life.

I find the MAGIC that already exists within you and together we create more of the magic that is YOU!  

I have a VAST holy tool belt formed organically from my own lived experiences, a knack for anticipating what others need or want, and I am excellent at recognizing opportunities and sub-conscious patterns. The primary focus of my services is on recognizing these patterns, finding the gold and gems that are hidden and CULTIVATE more fertile soil for your true seeds to grow strong and steady.  

Are you seeking a nurturing, loving and trustworthy mentor to help you cultivate courage, build self-trust and self-worth?

Are you ready to JOYFULLY transform and engage fully in all parts of your life?

If so, I am confident that I can be your guide and mentor so that you consistently take active and conscious steps towards the newer, TRUER version of yourselves.  

I am ready to engage fully and compassionately in your transformation process. I will cultivate new perspectives to emerge, ask potent questions, lovingly reflect and hold you in your highest potential – especially when you temporarily lose sight of it. We use YOUR unique Human Design chart as our road map on the journey.

I WALK beside you in my intimate one-to-one Pearl Polisher journey so that you can SHINE your brightest colours and sparkle light-heartedly and unapologetically out into the world.  

5 month intimate 1:1 work.

10 sessions: first and last session is 90 min, the other eight is 75 min 

Access to me on WhatApp in-between sessions, for the full length of our work together. 


Book a 30 min discovery call with me to explore possibilities.